KFC Retzos Christmas Party

KFC / Retzos Group

The Retzos Group owns more than 50 KFC stores across Australia. At the end of every year, they usually have a big Christmas party at one of the amazing ballrooms in Crown Casino.

As COVIDSafe guidelines disable events like this from going ahead, the Retzos Group has approached Hebron Films to professionally produce a smooth, polished pre-recorded and live, virtual RGM Christmas party on December 5, 2020. We’ll refer to this package as KFC RGM Virtual Christmas Party.

The party will have about 110 people watching from home, with some stores looking to take small groups of staff away as a special occasion. The Woolshed @ Emerald Bank in Shepparton will be the broadcast location and also hold 35 people, the executive team and guests.

Hebron Films will be aiming to film as much in advance as possible to keep to the night’s tight schedule while maintaining a sense of liveliness and excitement through the live Zoom stream. Scripting, content outlines and logistics around obtaining footage by KFC teams as part of montages will be provided by Ellis Creative and/or the Retzos Group.

As part of that, there will be some award and welcome speeches that will be pre-recorded with the exec team and also some higher-produced compilation edits reflecting back on 2020.

Using pre-recorded content will allow the Retzos Group to reuse many of the same videos across other award events happening around the same time, such as the ARM (Assistant Regional Managers) awards night which will also be 100% online. Hebron Films will not be producing the ARM Zoom Awards event.

On the RGM Virtual Christmas Party, Hebron Films will produce a one-way professional live broadcast to a Zoom meeting. This setup does not include talk-back interaction with Zoom participants on screens at the Woolshed.

However, we can provide that same video output of the live production that could feed into projectors or screens at The Woolshed @ Emerald Bank for their AV team. We will not be providing said screens or projectors.

As one of Retzos Group’s training consultants is really well versed on Zoom, Hebron Films will not be required to manage Zoom audience logistics. This is including but not limited to: managing live chat, inviting people to join, muting rogue participants and dealing with FunLab, who will be running a live games component on the night.

Ultimately, we are aiming to give the KFC RGM Virtual Christmas Party all the bells and whistles professional video polish that Hebron Films is known for.

KFC Retzos Christmas Party

Want to work together?

I believe your video marketing should celebrate what makes your business unique, connect you with new people who will love what you do, and foster stronger relationships with your existing customers. I’d love to hear about your project.
b@bcook.co0416 352 118